Race & Immigrant Rights
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Student Engagement and Belonging
G Building Lobby
Mon - Fri: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
On November 19, 2020, we held our 7th forum in our series, Race, and Immigrant Rights.
This event's purpose was to discuss the intersectionality of Race and Immigrant Rights.
We were excited to have 87 students, faculty, staff, alumni, community, and national
audience members in attendance. The event's moderators, Livia Neubert, Special Programs
Coordinator-ESL, and Dr. Carlos Almeida, Director of the LusoCentro and Associate
Professor of Portuguese, gave context to the discussion by leading audience members
through the history of Immigrant Rights throughout U.S. history. Liva and Carlos then
led a panel discussion highlighted by professionals who identify or work within the
area of Immigrant Rights. The panel provided polite conversation that included personal
stories, data, and reflection on their own intersection of these identities.