Faculty Fellows
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Faculty Fellows
William Duffy, Special Programs Coordinator
The Lash Center for Teaching and Learning hosts several Faculty Fellows. Faculty Fellows collaborate with the Lash Center staff to develop, explore, and highlight innovative teaching and learning practices. Compensation for the Faculty Fellows consists of a minimum of one course release during the academic year and oftentimes includes a stipend throughout the summer.
Faculty Fellow positions will open in February and begin in the following Fall Semester. Please check the Lash Center webpage for more information, including a form describing your proposed project as a fellow that will be included in your application, which will appear in Interview Exchange
Current Fellows
- Equity Fellow: TBD
- HIPs Faculty Fellows: TBD
- Teaching and Learning Fellow: Brian McGuire
Previous Fellows
Vivien Ojadi
- Developed equity syllabus, resource repository, and PD materials – state level
Robyn Worthington
- Developed syllabus and PD materials
Brian McGuire
- Redesigned Adjunct Certification Program for online modality
- Led multiple sections of Adjunct Certification Program
- Led Academic Lecture Series
- Designed resource videos for faculty housed in Faculty Handbook
Engin Atasay
- Led New Faculty Seminar
- Creative Inclusive Teaching Materials
Rosario Basay
- Developed Academic Lecture Series
- Organized Academic Lecture Series
- Led Adjunct Certification Program
Dorris Perryman, Assessment
- Guest speaker on Professional Development days
- Instituted Assessment Lunch and Learns
Holly Pappas, Assessment Faculty Fellow
- Led Development of new Gen Ed competencies
- Collected Artifacts for Gen Ed Assessment
Amy Crouch
- Led faculty workshops on research and best practice in student reflection
Kimberly Newton
- Led faculty workshops on engaged learning in online courses
Nicole Hall
- Designed highly successful Action Research project on video feedback on student work
- Led faculty workshop on improving feedback
Kelli Hiller
- Organized HIPs information sessions
Steven Frechette
- Organized HIPs Information sessions